Car Line
Morning Drop Off
Car riders will enter the building through the front entrance beginning at 8:35 a.m. To keep the traffic flowing smoothly all cars are to enter by making a right turn into the lot. Students are able to be dropped off for the length of the drop off point. Cones are in place to indicate the drop off points. Please do not get out of your car, and have your child prepared to exit your vehicle. If it is necessary for you to come into the building please park your car in the main lot and come into the office. For safety, students should only exit the vehicles on the curb or passenger side.
All students being picked up in the car line must have a name placard provided by the school. These placards must be displayed in the windshield when picking up your child(ren). If you do not have the placard with you, you will be instructed to park your car, come into the office and sign your child(ren) out. If you require additional placards please contact Ms. Custis at
Walkers may enter the building from either the front or side entrance.